Titolo: “Stage of Change”
ERASMUS+ Training Course
Luogo: Ameno, Italia
23 Maggio – 01 Giugno 2022
Tematica: Metodologie Teatrali contro la discriminazione
Paesi: Polonia, Italia, Spagna, Cipro, Aruba, Turchia, Croazia, Romania, Germania
Tutte le informazioni sul progetto si trovano nell’infopack al seguente link:
Day 1
23 participants from 8 different countries gather in Pettenasco to learn new methodologies to work with students.
The aim of today was to break the ice, trust each other and give information about rules, timetable, objectives.
Day 2
We had the chance to explore the topic of discrimination, radicalisation, violence. In the afternoon we had a human library with a lot of sharing from our participants with their personal stories.
In the evening we had the honour to attend the intercultural night with Romania, Cyprus and Germany.
Day 3
Another days with many activities exploring the topic of discrimination and introducing theatre methodologies. In the evening was the time to share italian, spanish and polish culture in the intercultural night.
Day 4-5
Other 2 days passed for our participants and many workshops helped all of them to get more familiar with the topic of discrimination and injustice, plus theatre work to get more comfortable on the stage.
During the evening Aruban and Turkish groups presented their countries with dances and wedding night.
Day 6-7
it is time for performing. All the participants created a performance inside the rooms of our art center presenting with a monologue, a situation where they felt some injustices. The performance went great and the final debriefing helps participants to understand all the learning process.
Day 8: last day
Evaluation, dissemination and reflaction were the main topic of the day. The project ended with youthpass cerimony and secret friend relevation.